Student Poster Award - Diversity

This award is granted at the Annual Conference for the best student poster that reflects diversity-related topics or issues.


Bianca P. Cintrón Ortiz: Teleneuropsychological Normative Data for the Spanish CERAD Wordlist for Puerto Rican Adults
Kenneth Gomien: Chronic Stress and Smoking Moderate the Relation Between Hippocampal Volume and Long-Term Memory in Older Hispanic Adults

Ivan Campbell: Association of Fronto-Parietal Network White Matter Tract Connectivity with Executive Functioning and Working Memory in a Diverse Sample 
Belinda Zhang: Non-fluent/Agrammatic Variant Of Primary Progressive Aphasia (Nappa) In A Bilingual Chinese Speaker: A Single-case Study

Maleeha Abbas: 
Being Othered: Associations between Discrimination and Perceived Stroke Risk in Biracial Persons
Jory Paredes
Neuropsychological Performance in Cognitively Normal Native and Non-Native English Speakers: A Pilot Study

William Goette:
Latent Classes of Cognitively Normal Individuals have Unique Relationships between Demographic and Neuropsychological Variable

Janet Yanez: Socially Responsible Neuropsychology (SRN) in Action: Assessment of a Highly Educated Bilingual Latina Older Adult
Averi GiudicessiExploring the Criterion Validity of the WISC-IV in a Clinically Referred Sample of Children in Mexico

Alicia Nunez: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) Short Form Accuracy in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Does Primary Language Matter?

Alejandra Morlett Paredes:

  • Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure: Normative Data for an Illiterate Adult Population from 5 Latin American Countries
  • Symbol Digit Modalities Test: Normative Data for an Illiterate Adult Population from 5 Latin American Countries
  • Brief Test of Attention: Normative Data for an Illiterate Adult Population from 5 Latin American Countries

Alicia Nunez :Factor Structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fourth Edition Spanish in a Clinical Sample of Puerto Rican Children

2015 Hannah Wadsworth

2014 Diego Rivera 

2013 Erik Ringdahl 

2012 Melissa Edwards 

2011 Rachel Weber

2009 Maiko Sakamoto

2008 Annelly Bure-Reyes

2007 Christian Carter

        Jennifer Harms-Gillette

2006 Karen Blanc Friedman

2005 Liza San Miguel-Montes