Women and advancement in neuropsychology: real-life lessons learned by Robin C. Hilsabeck, Ph.D. and Eileen M. Martin, Ph.D. The article is available
online here.
Women in Neuropsychology (WIN), Division 40 Listserv
A listserv dedicated to issues of interest to female neuropsychologists, including leadership, education, and equity. More Info
Website on Responsible Mentoring
Leadership/Negotiating/Professional Skills
- Hardball for Women by Pat Heim and Susan K. Golant
- Women Don’t Ask: Negotiation and Gender Divide by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever
- Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman by Gail Evans
- Surviving and Thriving Resource Guide for Women by APA
- A Handbook for Women Mentors: Transcending barriers of stereotype, race, and ethnicity, Carol A. Rayburn
- The Survival Bible for Women in Medicine, Kathryn Ko
- The Woman Scientist: Meeting the Challenges for a Successful Career, Clarice M. Yentsch
- Women Healers and Physicians: Climbing a Long Hill, Lilian R. Furst
- Women in Medicine: Career and Life Management, Marjorie A. Bowman
Obtaining and Maintaining the Mentoring Relationship
- Getting Mentored in Graduate School (Book) W. Brad Johnson
- The importance of asking, mentoring and building networks for academic career success – a personal and social science perspective (Article) Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
- Introduction to Mentoring: A guide for Mentors and Mentees (APA 2006 Presidential Task Force)
- The Mentee’s Guide: Making mentoring work for you (Book) Lois J. Zachary
- Strategies to Design an effective mentoring program (Article) The Journal of Pediatrics
- Zachary, Lois. The Mentor’s Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships. Jossey-Bass, 2000.
- Rohrich, R. Mentors in Medicine, Plast Reconstr Surg., 112(4):1087-1088, 2003.
- Roth, L.M., The Champions Project: A Two-tiered Mentoring Approach to Faculty Development. Acad Med, 75:553-554, 2000.
- Stone, D, et al. Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss what Matters Most. Penguin, 1999.
- Osborn, T.M., et al. Mentorship: Through the Looking Glass Into Our Future. Ann Emerg Med, 34:285-9, 1999.
- Peddy, S. The art of mentoring: lead, follow and get out of the way. Bullion Bks, 1998.
- Pololi, L.H., Knight, S.M., Dennis, K., Frankel, R.M. Helping Medical School Faculty Realize Their Dreams: An Innovative, Collaborative Mentoring Program. Acad Med, 2002;77:377-384.
- Morzinski, J.A., et al. Faculty Development Through Formal Mentoring. Acad Med, 69:267-9, 1994.
- Morzinski, J.A., Fisher, J.C., An Evaluation of Formal Mentoring Studies and a Model for their Improvement. Evaluation Practice, 17:43-56, 1996.
- Morzinski, J.A., et al. A Descriptive, Cross-Sectional Study of Formal Mentoring for Faculty. Family Medicine, 20:595-597, 1998
- Dalox, L.A., Effective Teaching and Mentoring, Jossey-Bass, 1986.
- Daugird, A.J., et al. Computerized faculty time-management system in an academic family medicine department. Acad Med, 2003;76:129-36
- Garman, K.A, et. al. Development of Junior Faculty’s Self-efficacy: Outcomes of A National Center of Leadership in Academic Medicine. Acad Med, 2001;76:S74-76.
- Goleman, D., et al. Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intellegence. Harvard Bus Schl Press, 2002.
- Grady-Weliky, T., Kettyle, C., Hundert, E. New Light on Needs in the Mentor-Mentee Relationship. In Educating for Professionalism: Creating a Cultural of Humanism in Medical Education, edited by D. Wear and J. Bickel. Iowa City: U. of Iowa Press, 2000.
- Guthrie, M. Challenges in Developing Physician Leadership & Management. Frontiers of Health Services Management 15 4:3-26. 1999.
- Hitchcock, M.A., Bland, C.J. et al. Professional Networks: The Influence of Colleagues on the Academic Success of Faculty, Acad Med, 70:1108-16, 1995.
- Jackson, V.A., et al. "Having the right chemistry": a qualitative study of mentoring in academic medicine. Acad Med, 78:328-334, 2003.
- Kennedy, M.M. Someone Promised Mentors: Will You Deliver? The Physician Executive, March/April, 2001.
- Linney, B.J., Characteristics of Good Mentors. The Physician Executive, May/June, 1999
- Bligh, J. Mentoring: An Invisible Support Network. Medical Educ, 33: 2-3, 1999.
- Bogdewic, S., et al., Leadership & Organizational Skills in Academic Medicine. Family Med, 29:262-5, 1997.
- Bower, D., et al., Support-Challenge-Vision: A Model for Faculty Mentoring. Medical Teacher, 20:595-7, 1998.
- Benjamin, J. Mentoring and the Art of Medicine, J of Trauma Injury, Infection & Crit.Care, 45:857-61, 1998.
- Benor, D. Faculty Development, Teacher Training and Teacher Accreditation: Twenty Years From Now. Med Teacher, 22:503-512, 2000.
- Benson, C. et al. Effective faculty preceptoring and mentoring during reorganization of an academic medical center. Medical Teacher, 2002, 24: 550-557
- Bickel, J. Looking for Mentor Replacement Therapy? A Coach may be the Answer, J.A.M.W.A., 58: 210-211, 2003.
Diversity Issues in Mentoring
- Racial and Ethnic Diversity Among Trainees and Professionals in Psychology and Neuropsychology: Needs, trends, and Challenges (Article) Applied Neuropsychology
- Thomas, D.A., The Truth About Mentoring Minorities: Race Matters. Harvard Business Review, 79:99-107, 2001.
- Murrell, A., Crosby, F., Ely, R. Mentoring Dilemmas: Developmental Relationships within Multicultural Organizations, Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Pub, 1999.
- Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering,Michael F. Crowley
Career Related
- Life after graduate school (Book) Jerald M. Jellison (geared towards the transfer from academia to a job with a company or government agency)
- The Portable Mentor (Book) Mitchell J. Prinstein (discusses the first decade of a career in psychology)
- Fellowship goals for PHD’s and MD’s: A Primer on the Molecular Biology Postdoctoral Experience (Article) Cancer Biology and Therapy
- Enhancing the Postdoctoral Experience for Scientists and Engineers: A Guide for Postdoctoral scholars, advisers, institutions, funding organizations, and disciplinary societies (Article) National Academy Press
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- The Academic Job Search Handbook (Book) Heiberger and Vick eds.
- Tomorrow’s Professor: Preparing for Academic Careers in Science and Engineering (Book) R.M.Reis
- Alternative Careers in Science: Leaving the Ivory Tower (Book) C. Robbins-Roth
- Guide to Nontraditional Careers in Science (Book) K.Y. Kreeger
Women in Science: Professional Societies and Editorial Boards
- The Representation of Women on the Editorial Boards of Major Medical Journals: A 35-Year Perspective. WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM
- Haak, L. (2002). Women in Neuroscience (WIN): The First Twenty Year. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 70±79
- Morton, M.J. & Sonnad, S.S. (2007) Women on Professional Society and Journal Editorial Boards. Journal of the National Medical Association, 99, 764-771
General Gender Issues, including Famous Women, Motherhood, etc.
- The Mother Zone by M. Jackson (delightful read about life and motherhood, especially when trying to maintain your career)
- A Woman’s Education by J.K. Conway (memoir of first woman President of Smith College)